Nodes Guide

Getting Started

Learn how to run various 0G service nodes using EmberStake official docker images


You need a linux machine with docker installed on it.
Follow our Docker Guide to install Docker in your machine

Clone EmberStake repository for ZeroGravity

  1. Clone the latest tag These commands clone the latest version of repository onto home directory
cd ~
git clone 
cd 0g-docker
git checkout $(git tag -l | tail -1)
  1. copy the sample .env file
cp .env.sample .env

now you are ready to run 0g services. there are different sections in this .env file for each service.
we will cover each service config on their corresponding guide

  1. Pull images
docker compose --profile '*' pull
If you want to build images on your own machine run build instead of pull

Now jump into the documentation of the service you intend to run, you can start with Run a ZeroGravity Node